Get Started with Therapy

Schedule Your Consultation Phone Call

The first step to getting started with therapy is to schedule a free consultation phone call with me. In this brief conversation, we’ll discuss your therapy needs, you’ll have a chance to ask me questions, and we’ll decide if working together is a good fit. To schedule your call, reach out to me at (919) 599-4449, or click the button below.

Questions to Consider Before Your Consultation Call

To get the most from the call, it is important to consider a few questions:

  1. What am I hoping to gain from therapy? What concerns do I want to address in my sessions?
    What aspects of my life (or relationships or self) do I hope change as a result of therapy?

  2. What kind of support do I want from my therapist? What’s my learning style?

  3. What are my expectations of the therapy process?

  4. What questions do I have for a potential therapist?

What to Expect During your First Therapy Session

If we decide during your consultation phone call that working together is a good fit, we will then get you scheduled for your first therapy session (often called an initial assessment or initial diagnostic assessment). Before this session, I’ll send you intake paperwork via a HIPAA-compliant client portal, and you’ll complete this paperwork online. During our first session, we’ll explore your concerns and goals for therapy in more depth. Often in a first session, we’ll talk about your history and present-day concerns, and there will be space for you to ask plenty of questions.